Should I Offer Water as an Uber Driver?

As an Uber driver, it’s essential to provide a comfortable and enjoyable experience for your riders. Offering water is a small gesture that can make a significant difference in your passengers’ overall satisfaction.

Should I Offer Water as an Uber Driver All You Need to Know An In Depth Guide

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the benefits of offering water as an Uber driver, along with practical tips and considerations to help you make an informed decision.

1. Benefits of Offering Water to Riders

There are several advantages to offering water as an Uber driver:

  • Enhance rider comfort: Providing water can help riders stay hydrated and comfortable during their trip, especially on hot or long rides.
    This can be particularly beneficial in warmer climates or during summer months when dehydration is more likely to occur.
  • Improve customer satisfaction: A simple gesture like offering water can leave a lasting impression on riders, leading to higher ratings and positive reviews.
    Passengers may appreciate the thoughtful gesture and feel more inclined to use your services again in the future.
  • Stand out from the competition: Going the extra mile by providing water can set you apart from other drivers who do not offer such amenities.
    This can give you an edge in the competitive rideshare market and potentially lead to repeat customers or referrals.
  • Increase tips: Providing exceptional service, including offering water, can encourage riders to tip more generously.
    Tips can significantly impact your overall earnings as an Uber driver, so any effort to increase them is worth considering.

2. Types of Water to Offer and Their Pros and Cons

When deciding what type of water to offer your riders, consider the following options and their respective pros and cons:

  • Single-serving plastic water bottles: These are the most common and convenient option for drivers.
    However, they can generate a lot of plastic waste and may not be environmentally friendly. Additionally, the cost of regularly purchasing single-use bottles can add up over time.
  • Reusable cups or bottles with filtered water: This option is more environmentally friendly and can help reduce plastic waste.
    However, it may require more effort to maintain cleanliness and hygiene, as you will need to wash and sanitize the cups or bottles between uses.
    Furthermore, providing filtered water may involve additional costs, such as purchasing a filtration system or regularly buying water refills.
  • Canned water: Canned water is an eco-friendlier alternative to single-use plastic bottles, as aluminum cans are easier to recycle.
    However, they might be more expensive and less familiar to riders. Some passengers may also be hesitant to drink from a can due to concerns about hygiene or taste.

3. How to Offer Water in Your Vehicle

If you decide to provide water to your riders, consider the following tips for doing so effectively:

  • Select the appropriate type of water: Choose the type of water that best suits your preferences and values, considering factors such as environmental impact and cost.
    You may want to experiment with different options to determine which one works best for you and your passengers.
  • Store water properly: Keep water bottles or containers in a clean and easily accessible location within your vehicle, such as the door pockets or a center console.
    Avoid storing water in direct sunlight, as this can cause the plastic to degrade and affect the taste of the water. Additionally, make sure that the storage area is clean and free from debris or spills.
  • Maintain an adequate supply: Regularly check and replenish your water supply to ensure you always have enough on hand for your riders.
    This may require frequent trips to the store or bulk purchases to keep your supply stocked. Be mindful of expiration dates if you are offering bottled or canned water, as these products can have a limited shelf life.

Should I Offer Water as an Uber Driver

  • Offer water proactively: Let riders know that water is available as they enter your vehicle or during the trip. This can help create a welcoming atmosphere and show that you are attentive to their needs.
    You may want to develop a friendly script or phrase to use when offering water, such as “Would you like a bottle of water?” or “Please help yourself to some water if you’re thirsty.”

4. Hygiene and Cleanliness Considerations

Maintaining proper hygiene and cleanliness is essential when offering water to your riders.

This not only protects the health and safety of your passengers but also reflects positively on your professionalism as a driver. Consider the following tips:

  • Regularly clean storage areas: Keep the areas where you store water bottles or cups clean and free from debris or spills.
    This can help prevent contamination and ensure that the water remains safe for consumption.
  • Sanitize reusable cups or bottles: If you choose to offer water in reusable cups or bottles, be sure to wash and sanitize them between uses.
    This can help prevent the spread of germs and maintain a hygienic environment for your riders.
  • Avoid touching the drinking area: When handing out water bottles or cups, avoid touching the area where your passengers will drink.
    This can help minimize the transfer of germs and maintain a clean and sanitary experience for your riders

5. Additional Amenities for Riders

In addition to offering water, there are other amenities you can provide to enhance your riders’ experience:

  • Phone chargers: Keep a variety of phone chargers on hand to accommodate different devices and allow riders to charge their phones during the trip.
  • Wi-Fi hotspot: If you have a mobile data plan that supports tethering, consider offering a Wi-Fi hotspot for your riders to use during their trip.
  • Tissues or wet wipes: Providing tissues or wet wipes can help riders clean up spills or freshen up during their ride.
  • Mints or gum: Offering mints or gum can be a welcome refreshment for riders, particularly after a meal or before an important meeting.


Offering water as an Uber driver can be a simple yet effective way to enhance your riders’ experience and set yourself apart from the competition.

Offer Water as an Uber Driver

By considering the practicalities of providing water and weighing the benefits against the costs, you can make an informed decision about whether this amenity is right for your driving business.

Remember that providing excellent customer service, maintaining a clean and well-maintained vehicle, and effectively managing rider expectations are all crucial components of a successful Uber driver experience.